Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ideas For Social Clubs

Connect with your friends by having a tea social.

Social clubs are a way for friends to stay connected and bond over a common interest. Many clubs meet weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or even less often. Clubs can also be a means of meeting new friends, connecting with common friends and staying in touch with old friends. They are relaxing and a good outlet for stress from other areas of your life.

General Considerations for Clubs

In choosing or forming a club, it's important to consider what your personal interests are, and what those of your friends are. To get the most out of the group, pay attention to your objectives and what you'd like to get out of the group. For example, if you'd like some mental stimulation, consider a more intellectual group. Also take into account your time schedule and how often you'd like to meet, so your social club is relaxing and doesn't become another stressor in your life.

Book Clubs

Book clubs are common social groups, and since there are already well-established groups in many areas, you can keep connected with friends as well as meet new people. Discussions can be based on the characters, the themes of the works, the connections between your lives and the events of the book or the application of the novel to the present day.

For advice on get a book club started, find one to join and run a group, visit BookBrowse.com.

Cooking Clubs

For those who prefer to spend time in the kitchen, cooking clubs are an option. They can be run a variety of ways. For example, a different group member (or a few) can cook for one meeting and other members for another meeting. Or everyone can cook together.

Meetings can also be themed by recipes from around the world, recipes based on different ingredients or by season. According to Family Lobby, holding a day of cooking for the cooking club in which everyone bakes a different type of dish is a fun way to get everyone in the neighborhood involved.

Writer's Groups

Writer's workshop groups share ideas and discuss topics of personal interest through writing and open discussion. Vary how the workshops take place. For example, writers can send out their work before the club meeting so people come prepared to discuss the work or they can introduce their work at the meeting by reading it aloud and then letting others read it. Speakers might be brought in and the group may be genre based or more generic.

Writing reflects what is going on in your life and in your mind, and in a writer's workshop, you can share with others and develop your creativity and ideas, as well as expand a social circle of peers.

Painting Clubs

Painting expresses your inner thoughts in a creative way. The group can meet in different locations to paint scenes or the group can experiment with different mediums (oil painting, watercolor, acrylic, etc.). To make the group more of a learning experience, at each meeting a member could research a different style or medium of painting, teach the others about it, and then everyone could try it.

Tea and Coffee Socials

Tea and cookie socials are a way to share love of tea and coffee and simply socialize. Offering coffee, tea, cookies and snacks creates a relaxing environment for chatting and spending time with friends. Members can take turns hosting meetings, or the gathering can be held at a different tea or coffee house each week or month. Meetings could also be themed with teas, cookies or coffees from different areas of the world to mix it up.