Friday, January 17, 2014

Teach Dancing At Cotillion

In the United States, cotillion commonly describes a school or class where young people learn etiquette and dancing. The dancing classes at cotillion serve as a great way to encourage socialization and reinforce proper manners. Read on and learn how you can get involved in cotillion as a dancing teacher.


1. Make sure you know ballroom dancing and "standards" like the waltz, cha cha, foxtrot, tango and swing. Cotillion classes emphasize propriety in everything, so brush up on the fundamentals of dancing.

2. Use your best manners all day every day. Read books like Emily Post's "Etiquette." Remember that cotillion students take their social instruction all their teachers including their dance teacher, so your social skills must be second to none.

3. Contact cotillions with which you'd like to work. Find out each cotillion's specific requirements-some may want certified dancing teachers, while others may desire certifications in first aid or CPR. Some cotillions pay their instructors, while some expect the teachers to work on a volunteer basis.

4. Dress very conservatively and professionally for an interview with a cotillion. Wear nice but comfortable shoes since the interviewer will probably ask you to demonstrate your dancing ability. Display excellent manners during the interview, and make sure you follow up with a hand-written thank-you note on quality stationery.

5. Remember that as a dancing instructor at a cotillion, you are grooming young people as ladies and gentlemen. Impress upon your students that etiquette is not about snobbery or putting on airs but making others comfortable around you. Always conduct yourself as a role model for your students.