Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tips To Become Better At Acting

Becoming a better actor requires persistence, determination and discipline.

Acting, whether for stage or screen, is a profession that requires a lot of time, persistence, determination and discipline. Having a career in acting can lead to frequent rejection and is not a job for those who cannot handle being turned down for trivial reasons, like their nose is too big. To succeed in show business, an actor must take the necessary steps to always improve and make themselves the best they can possibly be.


By doing the preparation, you'll exude more confidence.

There is nothing more important to an actor than preparation. Whether it is for an audition, rehearsal or performance, you will be most confident in your acting if you have done the preparation in advance. Study the role, research the script, look up words or things you don't know, learn your lines and create a list of choices you will make with your character. Never second-guess yourself in the choices you make.


Having confidence in your work will make you a stronger actor. Make bold, intelligent choices that work for your role, and perform them with confidence.


A reliable actor keeps flexibility in both abilities and scheduling.

Having flexibility to change your choices as you are given direction will make you a stronger actor. A director wants to work with a talent who puts 100 percent into what he is doing but also has range and can change when necessary. The key to being a better actor, one directors love to work with, is being open-minded and having flexibility when creating your character.

Keep Learning

Even if you're not auditioning regularly, you can keep learning and honing your skills. Enroll in classes and attend workshops. Take any opportunity you can to continue learning and bettering yourself as an actor. The best way to become a better actor is to keep practicing your craft through auditions, classes and any other chances you can to get on stage or in front of a camera.

Explore Options

Voice acting includes commercials, audio books, animation and much more!

Explore your options for different types of acting. There is theater, musical theater, film, television, commercials, improvisation, and voice-over to name a few. Find out what is out there and get some experience in all areas to become a better actor overall.