Thursday, November 28, 2013

Paint On A Small Carved Wood Panel

Wood carvings can be primed and finished with paint to enhance the image.

Wood is a medium that has been used for paintings for centuries. Carved or flat, the technique to seal the wood in order to create a surface for paint is the same. With a bit of work, utilizing wood as a painting medium can produce amazing results.


1. Thin the acrylic gesso with water to approximately 4 parts gesso to 1 part water. Mix well.

2. Paint the thinned gesso on all sides of the wood, being sure the entire surface is covered. Allow to dry for a minimum of 30 minutes.

3. Sand the surface lightly with the sandpaper to remove any rough areas or drips.

4. Paint another coat of gesso over the entire wooden surface at full strength and allow to dry. Sand lightly. More coats of gesso can be applied to achieve a smoother surface, but two coats is the minimum necessary to seal the wood.

5. Paint on the gesso surface with any paint medium desired such as oil, acrylic or watercolor.