Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Use Game Maker Extensions

Game Maker extensions simplify many aspects of video game creation.

"Game Maker" by YoYo Games is a programming suite designed to make the creation of computer games significantly easier than programming the games from scratch. As of 2011, eight versions of "Game Maker" have been released with each version introducing new and more powerful features for users. One feature that was introduced in "Game Maker Pro 7" was the ability for users to add new extensions to the program; these extensions are typically made by third parties and add new abilities to the game creation engine. Before extensions can be used they must be installed into the program.


1. Open "Game Maker Pro" and wait while it loads. Locate the "Extension Packages" entry in the file tree on the left side of the screen.

2. Double-click the "Extension Packages" entry, opening a new window that contains the Game Maker extensions that are installed in your copy of "Game Maker Pro."

3. Click the "Install" button located in the lower right corner of the extensions window. Another new window will open, listing the currently-installed extensions that can be uninstalled, and the option to install a new extension.

4. Click the "Install" button located at the top of the second window. An "Open..." window will appear, prompting you to select the .gex file you wish to install. Navigate to the location on your computer where the Game Maker extension you want to install is located, select it, then click the "Open" button.

5. Wait while the new extension is installed, then close the "Install" window if it does not close automatically. Look at the list of currently-installed extensions in the "Extension Packages" window; your newly-installed extension should be included in the list.

6. Consult the documentation supplied by the extension's creator for specific information on using the extension. "Game Maker Pro" extensions offer a variety of additions to the program ranging from easy editing and importation of 3D graphics to controller compatibility functions, and as such may require additional instruction on top of simply being able to use the Game Maker software.