Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tag Graffiti On Paper

Graffiti has moved from buildings to advertisments.

A graffiti tag is a message or nickname created by artists to relay a message to others. A tag is considered the artist's logo and represents a personal style or signature, and an artist may abbreviate it if the tag is long. A tagger is an artist or writer that creates tags. Graffiti originated on the streets and is often illegally sprayed painted in public and private places, but today, graffiti is used in advertising and is often created to be sold as fine art.


1. Decide on a style to use such as bubble letters, sharp edges, letters that are equally sized or letters that overlap each other.

2. Using a pencil, create a center for the tag graffiti by lightly drawing a cross. Count the letters in the tag graffiti and divide by two. This technique will help center the lettering.

3. Create fat letters in the desired style by lightly drawing the first half of the tag on the left side of the cross and the second half on the right side of the cross.

4. Outline the letters by tracing over them with a black marker. Add thickness to the outline on one side for a 3D effect. Erase the pencil marks.

5. Add additional features if desired such as stars, lightning or an icon. Make a copy of your tag for backup in case you make a mistake when adding color.

6. Add shadows for depth and then color the tag with paint, markers or color pencils.