Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Nail Styles With Rhinestones

Decorate your nails with rhinestones.

Rhinestones enhance artificial and natural nails by creating sparkly designs on the nail bed. These jewels jazz up your nails without requiring a visit to a nail salon; however, most nail salons will apply rhinestones, as well. From a basic line of rhinestones to a rhinestone flower, use your imagination to create designs on your fingernails. A quick trip to your nail salon or local beauty supply store is all you need to get fancy nails your friends will envy.


For a basic rhinestone line, place the rhinestones along the arch in your fingernail, right below the tip. For added decoration, paint the tip of your fingernail in a solid color and use the rhinestones to make a line. The rhinestone line will be in between the solid color and your natural nail bed. Use tweezers and Super Glue to stick the rhinestones to your nails. To make the rhinestones stay on longer, paint over them with a clear top coat.

If you want a design other than a solid color, paint the tip of the nail zebra or leopard, then arrange the rhinestones into a line. Most nail salons carry a wide variety of nail tip colors and can use them instead of painting the design by hand.


Put the first letter of your significant other's name on one of your fingernails. For example, if you are married to someone named Larry, use the rhinestones to design the letter "L" on your fingernails.

You can also support your favorite sports team with rhinestone on your nails. If you like the Dallas Mavericks, arrange rhinestones into the letters "M," "A," "V" and "S" on each one of your nails.


Rhinestones come in several different sizes and colors. Glue the rhinestones on your nails in the shape of flowers. Use green rhinestone for the stem and yellow for the center. Any color rhinestones will work for the petals.

All Rhinestones

To create a dramatic rhinestone effect, cover your entire nail with rhinestones. Paint your nails with a silver nail polish, then cover the polish with clear rhinestones. Get the rhinestones close together and in straight lines to make them look elegant.

You can also create a dramatic effect for July 4th by using red, white and blue rhinestones. Paint the top of your nails white, the middle red and the bottom blue. Cover each section with rhinestones of the same color.