Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Paper Sculpture Instructions

Use paper mache to create a paper sculpture. Paper mache uses newspapers, flour and water. Make any type of sculpture you like. Paper mache can last a few years if cared for properly. If the paper mache sculpture gets wet, squished or bumped, it can tear or fall apart. Paper mache is messy, so have a decent sized work space available. When working with paper mache, it's important to work slowly. Each layer of newspaper must be smooth for the final project to look polished.


1. Lay newspapers on a flat surface.

2. Blow up the balloon. Tie the end into a knot.

3. Tear up newspapers into strips, about 2 inches wide by 4 inches long. You'll need a lot of newspaper. Tear up five or six to start with.

4. Put 2 1/2 cups of flour into the bowl. Add three cups of water and stir. Clean off the spoon.

5. Dip the newspaper strips into the water and flour mixture. Use your fingers to remove excess glue. Cover the balloon with the newspaper. The balloon is the core of the sculpture.

6. Fold and crunch sheets of newspaper to make any necessary 3-D parts of the sculpture. Wrap the crunched and folded newspaper with masking tape to hold its shape. For example, if you are making legs, fold a sheet of newspaper in half repeatedly till it reaches the necessary height. Wrap newspapers around the leg and wrap in masking tape.

7. Hold the appendage with one hand and apply wet newspaper strips to the appendage and main part of the sculpture to attach it. Repeat with all parts.

8. Cover the entire sculpture with two to three layers of newspaper strips. Let each layer dry for at least 12 hours before adding another layer.

9. Paint the dry sculpture. Acrylic and poster paints work well. After the paint dries, apply any decorations, like feathers, with glue.