Remove Broken Strings From a Guitar
Removing broken strings from your guitar takes patience and must be done properly to reduce the risk of damaging the instrument. Follow these steps to properly remove broken guitar strings from an acoustic or electric guitar.
1. Remove the bridge pin at the bottom of the string at the saddle on the guitar by gently pulling it upward.
2. Grab any remaining string on the bridge pin and remove it. It may fall down into the guitar before you can get a hold of it, in which case you will either have to reach into the guitar and grab it or turn the guitar over and try to shake it out.
3. Loosen the string by twisting the peg on the corresponding string until it is loose on the tuning post.
4. Unwrap the string from the tuning post on the headstock with a pair of needle nose pliers until the string comes off the tuning post.
5. Peel off any remaining string if it breaks as you unwrap it. Make sure you get the entire string off the tuning post.
6. Clean your guitar pieces thoroughly if you are completely restringing your guitar. Now is a good time to polish it as well.