Thursday, February 28, 2013

Plan An Oldfashioned 50s & 60s Party

Set the right mood, and your guests will experience a party to remember. Drive-ins and sock hops, peace movements and flower power, the Brit...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pitch A Cartoon Tv Show

Your cartoon can make a serious point through comedy. There are a million ways to get a meeting in front of a television executive. You coul...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What Is A Rotary Cutter Used For

What is a Rotary Cutter Used For? A rotary cutter is a handy tool used to make cuts through different types of materials. The unit consist...

Shrink Wrap Art

One way to protect your art and to give it a little bit of extra security is to shrink wrap it. The shrink wrap process is not complicated...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Photo Montage Tutorial

Photomontages often have themes. A photomontage begins with a collection of photos, often with a related subject or theme. The photos are th...

Teach Art To Kids

Teaching art to children Children are fascinated by art and love to experience it first-hand. Understanding and participating in art can hel...

Remove Adhesive From Lexan

Among Lexan's many applications is motorcycle windshields. Lexan is a highly engineered polycarbonate plastic that is an important compo...

Friday, February 22, 2013

Think Of Awesome Prank Call Ideas

Prank Call Ideas Prank call ideas can range from mildly funny to absolutely side splitting, but thinking of the ones that will keep you laug...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Scare Someone Into Returning Your Property

Enlist the help of someone who looks ready to fight. Begging, pleading and even crying hasn’t helped you one iota when it comes to getting y...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Use Of The Line In Art

The line is an element of art that needs to be understood and considered as an important part of a work of art. Lines are everywhere. Artis...

Use Handson Art Projects To Teach Kids About Michelangelo

The Statue of David by Michelangelo is one of the world's most recognizable art pieces. Michelangelo will always be considered one of hi...

Paint Window Murals

As a window mural painter, you mirror other mural artists throughout the centuries like Claude Monet, Michelangelo, Diego Rivera and Leonard...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sell Digital Art

There are many ways to make a living, but one of the most challenging and rewarding is running your own business. Creating and selling art t...

Monday, February 18, 2013

Teach Art Appreciation

Everyone has their own interpretation of what "good" art is, even artists themselves. Because art is so subjective and because som...

Paint Professional Murals

Murals may contain complex scenery or simple shapes and patterns. Murals are large scale drawings or paintings that are used to decorate a w...

Sell Native American Art

There are many outlets for selling your artwork. Selling your Native American art pieces can be challenging if you are doing it on your own...

Friday, February 15, 2013

Software For Handwriting Recognition

Handwriting-recognition software is popular on mobile devices and computers. There are two types of handwriting-recognition software : one t...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Paint On Silk Dupioni

Fabric paint and dye painted on dupioni silk can create compelling patterns when interacting with the silk's texture. Silk is a luxurian...

Sell A Cartoon

Selling a cartoon is tough work, generally a lot tougher than coming up with the cartoon in the first place! However, if you know market you...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Information On Becoming A Video Game Tester

Person playing a video game with joystick Video game testing sounds like a dream job for anyone with a love for gaming. However, the job is...

Win Radio Callin Contests

Radio stations across the country give away great prizes everyday. Listeners have the chance to win anything from a free trip to concert tic...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Paint On A Store Window

A painted holiday design on a store window Advertising products and services are important to any business's survival but the high costs...

Write Screenplays That Sell

Countless people dream of writing screenplays, but many of them soon realize that more important than just writing screenplays is writing s...

Monday, February 11, 2013

Write A Creative Story

Writing a creative story can be fun, rewarding and personally satisfying. If you're good at it, your readers will appreciate you and you...

Friday, February 8, 2013

Sell Prison Art

When in prison, a person is faced with an abundance of spare time. Many inmates take this opportunity to develop their skills as an artist. ...

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Paint Mountain Ranges With Spray Paint Art

Spray paint art started as an accepted form in New Mexico, but its influence now covers the globe. Landscapes are among the common themes of...

Instructions For Planning A Cotillion

A cotillion teaches young teenagers ballroom etiquette and social graces . Practicing formal etiquette, ballroom dancing and social graces d...

Retinal Effects In Op Art

The objective of op art was to play tricks on the eye. Op art was one of the most important new art forms to have emerged in the second half...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Script A Customer Service Call

Script a Customer Service Call Customer service calls follow a general format. Make sure the script shows the representative be courteous to...

Remove A Mural

Murals are large-scale artworks that can transform any place in which they are displayed, whether it is a house, street wall, sidewalk or pu...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Paint A Body Kit

Body kits almost never come painted, leaving it to you to pay hundreds of dollars to have someone paint it. New body kits are normally free ...

Psychedelic Writing Techniques

Surrealism heavily influenced the later psychedelic movement. The psychedelic movement of the 1960s and '70s drew heavily on the ideas a...

Monday, February 4, 2013

What Is The Definition Of Nature Photography

Nature photography focuses on plants, wildlife and landscapes. Nature photography focuses on landscapes, wildlife and plant life as they are...

Friday, February 1, 2013

Paint Geometric Shapes On Walls

Painting geometric shapes on walls is an inexpensive way to add personality to your home. Paint is a simple and inexpensive way to dress up...

Take Silhouette Pictures

In a silhouette image, the subject in the foreground of a picture is only a dark, featureless shadow, while the content in the background is...