Monday, February 18, 2013

Paint Professional Murals

Murals may contain complex scenery or simple shapes and patterns.

Murals are large scale drawings or paintings that are used to decorate a wall. Unlike hanging artwork, murals are applied directly to the surface of exterior or interior structures. They are usually intended for long-term display, but may be changed periodically per the needs of the space. While the dimensions of murals vary, it is generally agreed that they must take up the majority of the visual space available to qualify. The professionalism of a given mural, however, is debatable, with no set quantifiable criteria for rating a work of art. For the purposes of categorizing different murals, the credentials of the artist and the final cost of the commissioned piece may be used to deem the piece "professional."


1. Determine the focus of the mural. Request this information from the organization that has commissioned your work. Check your work contract for details regarding limitations of artistic interpretation.

2. Draw a scale model of the wall on paper; while the wall may be rectangular, it may not have the same proportions as an 8.5-inches-by-11 inches sheet. Be sure to choose a functional scale and stick with it. Write down the scale you used. (e.g., 1 inch=1 foot)

3. Color the drawing with pencil. Choose colors that are similar to available paints or take the finished drawing to a paint supplier for assistance with color matching.

4. Divide the drawing into section with an overlaying grid. Draw directly on the sketch or apply a lined plastic transparency for temporary use.

5. Work in sections to transfer the outline of main shapes to the wall. Apply outlines lightly in pencil or with paint.

6. Work at a speed compatible with paint you are using; for example, oil paints dry slowly so you have time to touch up mistakes, however this means you are more likely to smudge a finished portion of the wall.

7. Stand at least 20 feet away from the wall and observe the piece holistically. Look for poor composition or color choices that aren't working well in the environment.