Countless people dream of writing screenplays, but many of them soon realize that more important than just writing screenplays is writing screenplays that sell. Writing screenplays that sell is the first step in building a successful and lucrative career as a screenwriter.
1. Focus on the concept of your screenplay. To write a screenplay that sells, you need to have a plot idea for a movie that is truly original. If you want to be able to sell your screenplay, you need to make sure that you have a concept that will capture the interest of the studio executive who is considering buying your screenplay.
2. Give your screenplay an exciting twist. Writing a screenplay that sells means writing a screenplay that captures the attention of a reader and keeps it. For that to be possible, you need to write a screenplay that keeps readers on the edge of their seats.
3. Make your dialogue snappy. Snappy, well-written dialogue will help you to sell your screenplay. If a studio exec is still thinking about a great line or a memorable character a few days later, they will be much more likely to want to buy your screenplay and make it into a movie.
4. Make your screenplay commercial. When you are writing a screenplay that sells, you need to make sure that your screenplay will appeal to as wide an audience as possible. While books can appeal to only a few people, movies must be seen by countless millions of people in order to be considered successful. Your screenplay needs to appeal to millions of people. Keep that in mind.