Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sell A Cartoon

Selling a cartoon is tough work, generally a lot tougher than coming up with the cartoon in the first place! However, if you know market your cartoon you will find a buyer in no time and your cartoon will be on its way to entertaining kids in no time.


Sell a Cartoon

1. Create a cartoon series. In order to sell a cartoon you need to have a cartoon to sell. This seems quite obvious, but many people unwittingly assume a good idea is enough to sell a cartoon and in most cases it ins't. That means you must go to the effort of producing an actual cartoon program or two that can be viewed in real time and evaluated. Potential buyers or producers want to see what the cartoon is like on television and by providing them this visual you really give yourself a major advantage over all of the other cartoon scripts that are in the running.

2. Research producers submission requirements. Before you begin sending your cartoon to every producer in the business you would like to do a little research to find the producer most open to the type of cartoon you are pitching. Some producers prefer a "bible" that includes all the details of the cartoon for their review while others are more interested in the basics. Finding out what particular producers are looking for will help you market effectively.

3. Market the cartoon. Now that you know what different producers are looking for you know who to send your cartoon Bible to and who to send a basic overview of the cartoon. Market in earnest because the more producers you reach with your pitch for a cartoon means the better chance you have of actually selling it.

4. Be patient. Sometimes it takes years to sell a cartoon and you may have to market to the same producers over and over. That's part of the business so prepare yourself. If you think your cartoon is awesome but you can't make the producers see that then you will have a hard time making a sale. Be sure to be creative in the way you market your cartoon and how you pitch it so you won't have to wait so long to sell it!