Thursday, May 8, 2014

Types Of Mirrors For Magical Work

Magicians, mystics and other supernaturally inclined individuals use mirrors for a number of different tricks, illusions and other activities. Mirrors are incredibly reflective, and-when designed and used appropriately-can create some amazing effects.

Plain Mirror

Plain mirrors are basic, flat-surfaced mirrors that reflect images in the correct size proportions. According to BBC, magicians commonly use plain mirrors to reflect repetitive or bland backgrounds, making us think there is any empty space, when in reality there is not (such as beneath a table).


A convex mirror is shaped like the exterior of a sphere, and bends the light it reflects in an outward direction. This makes images appear smaller than they really are. Convex mirrors are commonly used in funhouses to create miniature, distorted reflections.


A concave mirror is the opposite of a convex mirror, and bends the light it reflects towards its center. These types of mirrors generally make reflections appear larger, and are also commonly used in funhouses.

Mirror Box

According to Aardenburg Imaging and Archives, one type of mirror box features multiple, seamless mirrors positioned at 90-degree angles and produces reflections that seem to go on and on forever and is used in funhouses. Another variety of mirror box is used in physical therapy session for individuals with phantom limb syndrome.


According to Doc Bug, the surface of a Makyoh looks like a plain, polished mirror surface. However, when it reflects bright light sources (such as the sun) on to a wall or other surface, a pattern or image will appear. Makyoh means "magic mirror" in Japanese.