Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Styrofoam Art Projects

Dip styrofoam balls in sparkles and display them in a bowl.

Styrofoam is a light plastic material used in crafts or in disposable plates. This versatile product is frequently used for art projects due to its multitude of shapes and sizes, and comes in rings, blocks, cones, circles and triangles. Pick the shape you like and begin your art project.

Styrofoam Cone

Decoupage a cone into a display piece. Decoupage is a technique involving gluing paper to an object. You can use family vacation photographs or pictures of yourself and your friends for this project. Another option is to cut the faces and bodies out of copies of the pictures. The cone requires a base coat of glue before photos are added. Overlap the pictures and add ribbon or glitter to personalize your memory piece. Give the cone one final coating of glue for shimmer and to keep photographs in place.

Styrofoam Balls

Combine art and science by painting styrofoam balls to resemble the planets of the solar systems. One large block of styrofoam can simulate the sky and should be painted a deep, midnight blue. Insert a toothpick halfway into the bottom of each ball and stick the other half into the block as you arrange the balls based on their position from the sun. Add one large yellow ball at the end to represent the sun.

Styrofoam Plate

Homemade note cards or invitations make good art projects. The design may be carved into a styrofoam plate and can be as elaborate as multiple flowers or as simple as block letters. Cut the plate to the size of your card stock and choose an ink color that compliments the card stock. Apply the ink to an empty plate and roll a craft paint roller in the color. Transfer the ink from the plate to your design by rolling the ink over the design details. Press the cut inked plate firmly on the card stock and remove it to see your final design.

Styrofoam Ring

A dream catcher is said to give you good dreams, so make your own from a styrofoam ring. Wrap colorful ribbons or yarn around a ring to match the color of your room. Find items that mean something to you, such as a seashell from a good day of surfing, an "A" on a school paper or a lock of hair from your child's head. Hang these items from the ring with twine, ribbon or a piece of leather. You can also make a spider web design inside the ring to "catch" bad thoughts and keep them away while sleeping.