Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Write About One Of Your Hobbies

A hobby can be a very interesting thing to write about and share with others.

Writing about your hobby is a way to demonstrate your expertise to others who do not have the same hobby. It is a great way to explain to others what you love to do and how you go about doing it. Writing about your hobby can even be an outreach to others to explore your hobby and to try it out, thus gaining new participants to share in the activity that you love.


Writing About Your Hobby

1. Explain exactly what your hobby is by providing a basic definition for your readers.

2. Tell in detail what exactly you do for your hobby by detailing steps or processes of your hobby.

3. Talk about where you do your hobby. Location can give both insight and interest to your writing.

4. Detail the process of how you got involved and how you participate in your hobby. Talk about what gear you need.

5. Write a brief account of some times you have been involved in your hobby. Tell a story of what you did, what happened, and why you enjoyed it.

6. Explain why you like your hobby. Talk about what it is about the specific hobby that interests you.