Monday, July 8, 2013

Paint In The Abstract Style

Paint in the Abstract Style

Abstract painting covers a wide range of styles and content. There is no one approach or single correct method. Learning to paint in the abstract style is as much a lesson in artistic free expression as it is a technical methodology.


Learn the Basics of Abstract Art

1. Start to paint in a more straightforward style. Try a still life, some portraits or landscapes. To truly paint abstractly, it is best to understand the art of traditional painting. When you move on to the abstract, you will still need to understand the basics of capturing a subject.

2. Use your subject as a launch pad for your painting. Begin painting with a subject in mind, whether it is an object, a scene or an idea. Start the painting as if you are trying to capture the subject normally, but allow yourself to stray. Do not feel pressured to make every line straight or every color realistic.

3. Try the following exercise: find a still life object to paint. Set it up as if you are about to paint a traditional still life, but before the first stroke, squint your eyes. Look at the object again. Notice it is blurry. Try to paint this.

Experiment with Your Abstract Art

4. Let your emotions control your painting. If you are in a particular mood, allow the mood to dictate the colors that you use, the nature of your brush strokes and the pace at which you paint. If you are angry, choose colors like black and red. Let the anger control your brush as you paint.

5. Listen to music as you paint. Choose a type of music that particularly moves you. For example, perhaps you love Miles Davis. Put on some Miles Davis as you paint and let each note dictate each stroke of your paintbrush. Let the tempo of your motions match the tempo of the song.

6. Try all of the mentioned techniques at once. Choose a subject and begin to paint with the subject in mind. Put on some moving music. Channel your current emotion. Distort the subject. Let your mood, the music and the freedom influence your style.