Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Use Geometric Shapes In Art

Create objects within a geometric collage through the arrangement of shapes.

Basic geometric shapes such as the circle, square, rectangle, triangle, octagon, pentagon, hexagon and heptagon create striking designs when you use them for art. Artists use these basic shapes in drawings, paintings and sculpture as abstract entities or representation of realistic objects. Collage is a basic art project to begin understanding the use of geometric shapes. A collage is a grouping of individually cut pieces of items assembled together to create a finished work of art.


1. Draw 29 geometric shapes of different sizes on construction paper. Draw the shapes no smaller than 1 inch and no larger than 4 inches. Geometric shapes include the circle, square, rectangle, triangle, octagon, pentagon, hexagon and heptagon.

2. Cut the 29 geometric shapes from the construction paper and set aside. These 29 geometric shapes use repetition, shape, color, line and pattern to create a piece of art. These qualities are part of the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design.

3. Place the 18- by 24-inch piece of 150- to 300-pound paper on a smooth, flat work surface. Place the 29 geometric shapes on the piece of paper.

4. Move the shapes around on the white paper so the majority of the paper is covered. Overlap some of the pieces, put smaller shapes on top of larger shapes, and have three to five of the shapes extend past the edge of the paper. Continue to move the geometric shapes around until you create a design that is pleasing to you. There is no right answer to working with geometric shapes. The finished project simply pleases the senses of the individual making the collage.

5. Glue the geometric shapes to the white paper. Begin by gluing the small pieces on top of the large pieces. Pick up sets of overlapping pieces and glue the bottom one to the paper, the next one on top in the intended position, and so on until the layered area is complete. Repeat the process with all of the geometric shapes on the paper.

6. Cut the edges flush to the edge of the paper for any geometric shapes extending past the edge.

7. Allow the glue to dry for 15 minutes before hanging.