Friday, November 14, 2014

Paint Geometric Paintings

Geometric paintings are generally based on elementary geometric shapes. These include triangles, squares, parallelograms, and like forms. Rounded shapes may be included (ellipses and circles). However, what are called "hard-edged" geometric paintings usually incorporate solely straight-edged shapes. For your geometric painting, assemble some ideas of shapes you wish to use. Work out some rough notions of composition ahead of time, or do a design prior to commencing. For a freer project, compose as you go, directly on your painting surface.


1. Sketch out a geometric design. Draw directly on the canvas. Use the straight edge. Keep each shape separate. Alternatively, allow them to overlap. There is no one correct way to execute this.

2. Tape around one of the shapes. Leave the shape itself exposed. Use the painter's tape. Rub the tape down well.

3. Paint over the tape's edges with matte medium. Use the medium directly from the container. Do not dilute it. You just need a thin layer at the seam of tape and canvas. This prevents seeping. Allow the medium to dry. You may tape another shape while waiting.

4. Paint in your shape. Using a single color is bold.

5. Pull up the tape.

6. Repeat for other shapes.

7. When the paint within the shapes is dry, tape off the spaces between them. Paint them using similar method.