Friday, February 28, 2014

Respond To Insults

An insult can really hurt a person's feelings.

Whether you have been insulted at work or at school, it can hurt your self-esteem. When another person insults you, you may even wonder if something is wrong with you. It is important to recognize that the person who insulted you likely doesn't feel good about herself, and insulted you to feel better about herself. Instead of dwelling on the insult, learn properly respond to one.


1. Stay calm. While it is easy to react in anger, it is best to keep a level head so you avoid saying something you will regret. If you stay calm instead of insulting her back, you are showing her you are the mature one by handling the situation with tact.

2. Look the person in the eye. If you look to the side or down at the floor, he will know that his insult really affected you.

3. Tell the person who insulted you that you do not appreciate what she said to you. For example, you can say, "Your comment was very rude and tasteless. I think it's pathetic how you have to insult someone to make yourself feel good."

4. Walk away. It doesn't make sense to stay in the same room with a person who insulted you. By walking away, you are showing her that you will not put up with her nasty comments.