If you are homeschooling your children or working in a school system and want to encourage art appreciation, there's no better way than an arts festival. You can hold a youth arts festival almost anywhere.
1. Plan ahead. Give the kids in your youth group plenty of time (perhaps a few months) to create the kinds of art projects they would like to display. Encourage them to use a wide variety of art mediums. The more varied the art projects, the more interesting the arts festival will be to the people who attend. Suggest paintings using watercolors and oils, clay sculptures or metal sculptures and other art creations.
2. Set a date for the arts festival and choose a location. It usually works best to have the arts festival last over a few days or a week. Give people plenty of time to come. A location can be in the recreational room or lobby of your place of worship, a school gym or in the hallways or even someone's home in your community.
3. Advertise your youth arts festival. This is an important part of planning. Create posters and flyers to put up around your community. Be sure to include all of the information: dates, times, location and what youth group is presenting the arts festival. Mention that the kids are from a particular school, religious group or homeschool group.
4. Encourage the youth as they create art for the arts festival. Let them know that each art object created is special. Allow them the freedom to create and express themselves, while at the same time encouraging positive, uplifting art that will present the best characteristics of your kids' personalities.
5. Make sure to label each piece of art with the artist's name and age.