Monday, April 1, 2013

Price Your Items To Sell At A Garage Sale

The perfect price point maximizes income from a garage sale.

Yard sale, tag sale or garage sale -- call it what you want, these sales are a great way to rid yourself of clutter and make a few bucks in the process. Pricing your items correctly is a key part of a successful sale. Price too high, and you lose potential buyers. Price too low, and you risk leaving money on the table and losing profits. You can take steps to price your items for a successful sale.


1. Price your items before the day of your sale. Yard sales can get hectic, and it will only add to your stress if you have to address price issues. Shoppers may pass up unpriced items because the owner of the sale was too busy to approach with a question.

2. Avoid applying retail prices. The original cost of an item has little bearing on its resale price.

3. Pinpoint the objective of your sale ahead of time. If you want to get rid of clutter, price your items lower. If you are determined to make good money, price a little higher.

4. Research the value of potential high-dollar antiques before the day of the sale. Antique stores typically have a professional on staff that, for a nominal fee, comes to your house and gives you an idea of the value of your items.

5. Apply bright, noticeable labels to your items and put the prices on signs as well. Customers will often pass on an item if they don't see a price.

6. Mark index cards or bright-colored cardstock to create signs with detail and information about larger items. Provide measurements, purchase history and price, along with comments such as "works great" or "only used once," to increase interest and possibly lead to a sale.