Friday, April 5, 2013

Publish Greeting Cards On The Web

Publish Greeting Cards on the Web

If you're like many people, you look through the selection of greeting cards at a local store and think to yourself that you could have created a much better sentiment. If you have a talent with words, then you may wish to publish your own greeting cards online.


1. Write down your greeting card sentiments. Before you attempt to publish your cards, you should think of what you plan to write. Brainstorm and get some ideas before you develop the cards.

2. Think about the graphics and music that you want to use to make the card. Once you have the words down, you may want to sketch out the rest of the greeting card.

3. Get a program that you can use to design your greeting cards. Wondershare is a software program that you can purchase that allows you to design your own greeting card templates or use the ones that they have already provided.

4. Submit the cards to publishers. If you think that you have a talent for creating greeting cards, look on an e-card website to see how you can submit your work for publication.

5. Start up your own greeting card website. If you have no luck finding someone to publish your cards, you can publish your own web greetings. Design and launch a website for users to send and receive greeting cards.