Spraying on interior paint is a good way to cover walls quickly and it results in a smooth, even surface if applied correctly. However, special techniques and equipment are necessary to spray paint your walls if you want a professional-looking finish.
1. Obtain a paint-spraying rig. Construction rental stores lease professional units, but you will have to follow explicit care guidelines when cleaning the rig. Otherwise, you may be charged a hefty fee for damaging the sprayer if the paint clogs the nozzles.
2. Thin your paint with an approved solution. Read the paint label to determine what thinner you can use. Some latex paints blend with water, but alkyd and oil-based paints need specially-formulated thinners.
3. Tape the trim in the room in which you will be spraying. This includes the baseboard, ceiling, cabinets and doorframes. Remove all outlets and switch covers. Use lightweight plastic drop cloths to cover windows and cabinets, taping securely to the edges.
4. Fill the paint sprayer as recommended and put on your respirator. Tiny droplets of paint become airborne during spraying. Without a respirator, you may inhale paint particles.
5. Adjust the spray paint stream to a fine mist, gently sweeping the sprayer back and forth to apply a thin coating. Cover the interior wall evenly. You may need 3 to 4 light coats to cover the wall sufficiently.
6. Reapply as soon as the previous coat is dry. Don't apply too much paint at one time. The paint is still a liquid and it will run if too much is applied. Thin coats are required to achieve a professional looking finish.