Monday, October 20, 2014

Paint A Wall With Bold Colors In Geometric Shapes

Use a roller brush to fill in the geometric shapes on your wall.

If you have a blank wall in your home and you like geometric shapes, then paint shapes on the wall with the help of a little painter's tape. Painter's tape allows you to map off parts of your walls, which essentially creates homemade stencils. When you are finished painting, you can remove the tape without harming the wall or removing existing paint.


1. Spread a drop cloth across your floor to catch flying paint.

2. Unroll a little painter's tape and press it on the wall. Continue unrolling and pressing the tape to the wall in a vertical, horizontal or diagonal lines to create squares, rectangles or diamonds on the wall.

3. Open the paint can with a screwdriver and mix the paint with a paint stick. Pour it into a paint tray. Dip the roller brush into the paint. Cover the brush with enough paint but not so much that it drips. Slowly roll the paint inside the shape by drawing a "W" and filling in the space in between the "W" with one stroke. This is technique that leaves a smooth finish on the wall.