Monday, August 19, 2013

Sell Spray Paint Art

Many people dream of becoming artists and being able to express their creativity. Becoming a successful artist in the financial sense of the word is another story. It can be very difficult to sell enough of your art, especially in a newer genre like spray paint art, to make a living.


1. Buy table space at a local craft fair or flea market to sell your spray paint art. There are many opportunities to participate in craft fairs each fall, in anticipation of the holiday gift-giving season. Be sure to have a large portfolio of work to sell at each event.

2. Register with an online auction site where you can sell your art. Research recent sales of similar items and price your spray paint art competitively. Take clear pictures so prospective buyers will know exactly what they would be getting.

3. Create your own online art gallery where you can showcase--and hopefully sell--your spray paint art. Many Internet service providers offer inexpensive or free web hosting with a current account. Choose a name for your website that is easy to remember and will help you stand out.

4. Place "for sale" ads in community newspapers or newsletters. Word your ad concisely, using carefully selected keywords, to give the reader an idea of the themes of your paintings. Many people consider spray paint art an intriguing idea and may want to see what your work looks like.

5. Contact a local art gallery and inquire about showing your artwork. Having a professional art dealer assist you can be one of the best ways to generate sales of your spray paint art. Be prepared to pay the gallery a percentage of your profits as commission.

6. Research all the publishers and other vendors that may be interested in spray paint art. "Artists and Graphic Designers Market" is a comprehensive volume that provides contact information for artists who want to sell their work. The book provides many useful tips about market yourself and is available at Amazon (see Resources below).